When you arrive to the house, there are a number of things you have to do in order to get the house up and running:
- Turn on the water - this is done in the well to be found under a black plastic lid in the garden - see picture below.
- Check the temperature in the house - we can turn on the heating remotely, so it should be on, but give us a call, if it is not.
- Check for hot water - we can also turn on the hot water remotely. Give us a call if there is no hot water.
- Turn on the fridge - there in an on/off switch at the top of the fridge - temperature is already set.
- Remove mouse poison from the floor - we keep this in small containers through out the house. Keep it somewhere safe, far away from kids and animals, when you use the house, and return it when you leave.
- We also have electronic sonic mouse deterrent in three different sockets at the ground floor. These can be noisy for kids and pets, so we recommend to turn these off.
- We turn-off electricity in the stable and passway, when we do not use the house. You can turn it on in the power switch board to be found in the front entrance - just flick the switch on with the label "Stald/Port"
- There is freezer in the old stable - it can be found behind the door in the passway between the house and the stable. You need to plug it in and remove the protective cardboard box over the freezer.